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Philly's Republican Network


Politics impacts every facet of our lives in profound ways. And that's why we all should be involved. Political parties are the place where we meet to discuss the issues of the day, run candidates for office, promote legislation, and hold our government accountable. So, please don't be an "armchair patriot". Join a political party. It's where the action is.

Hi everyone!  I'm Lynn Landes of I'm a lifelong activist and community volunteer. I started The Network to help promote and assist our local Republican Party and related groups. We need an army of robust Republicans to protect our country from returning to a Democrat Dystopia.File:Thomas Paine rev1.jpg

Today's Republican Party stands for "common sense", and that includes free speech, voting integrity, government transparency and accountability, public safety, secure borders, and meritocracy.  We may have disagreements on certain issues, but we agree on our core "common sense" values, brilliantly described by Thomas Paine during the American Revolution.

We are increasing the GOP presence in Philadelphia. We want great people to run for office, work at the polls, address various issues, write letters, do social media, host events, staff tables at festivals, etc..  I regularly make 'public comments' at City Council meetings where I often represent (unofficially) the GOP point of view (and I could really use some more company)!  What is the GOP point of view? Here's the GOP 2024 National Platform plus My Spin and Philly Issues.

Republicans are recruiting Candidates for this year's Elections (judges, district attorney, controller, judge and inspector of elections)...and Deadlines are fast approaching. 'Committeepeople' positions will be up in the 2026 election. The success of the GOP depends on an active membership and its committeepeople!  See our Resource Links

We citizens have both Rights and Responsibilities. Our right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is a right we must fight for every day. So, let's all pitch in and do our part. Join the Republican Party to help build a better future for all Philadelphians!

RED ALERT: For the 2026 Midterm Elections we're looking for great Congressional Candidates for U.S. Congressional Districts 2, 3, and 5.  Republicans must retain control of Congress in order to ensure the success of the Trump presidency.  It is not too early to prepare. The Midterm Elections will include all 435 seats in the U.S. House and 33 of the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate. (Neither PA US Senators are up for election)

What Can You Do? 5/5/2025 DEADLINE for registration for Primary Election on 5/25/2025

REGISTER to VOTE as a Republican >

JOIN the, State, & National

  JOIN The Network by emailing

   & Join Related Groups!

                     Learn more > Resource Links




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February 18

First day to circulate and file nomination petitions

March 11

Last day to circulate and file nomination petitions

March 12

First day to circulate and file nomination papers

March 18

Last day to file objections to nomination petitions

March 19

Ballot position lottery

March 26

Last day for withdrawal by candidates who filed nomination petitions

May 5

Last day to register to vote in the primary

May 13

Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot

May 20

Last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed mail-in and civilian absentee ballots (must be received by 8:00 P.M.)

May 20


May 27

Last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed military and overseas absentee ballots (submitted for delivery no later than 11:59 P.M. on May 19, 2025)

August 1

Last day to circulate and file nomination papers

August 8

Last day to file objections to nomination papers

August 8

Last day for withdrawal by candidates nominated by nomination papers

August 11

Last day for withdrawal by candidates nominated at the primary

October 20

Last day to REGISTER to vote in the November election

October 28

Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot

November 4

Last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed mail-in and civilian absentee ballots (must be received by 8:00 P.M.)

November 4


November 12

Last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed military and overseas absentee ballots (submitted for delivery no later than 11:59 P.M. on November 3, 2025)