(It's an ongoing never-ending work-in-progress) Free Speech - Free speech is guaranteed through the enforcement of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, which is also supported by the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. Locally, both Philadelphia City Council and City Agencies are restricting “public comments” to “agenda items only”, thereby censoring public comments at regularly scheduled meetings, among other serious violations. Read https://www.lynnlandes.com/SunshineAct.pdf Election Integrity - Our voting system continues to be nontransparent and vulnerable to widespread fraud from insiders and hackers alike. President Trump endorses a completely transparent standard to “hand case and hand counted paper ballots at the local polls on Election Day only, plus a photo voter identification card that includes proof of citizenship”. This is a standard that the Pennsylvania State Legislature should support. A letter (Annual Elections “Public Notice”) should be mailed to all citizens announcing the seats up for election and how they can register to vote, run for election, or join the political party of their choice. Public participation is vital to a robust and resilient democracy. https://www.protocolsfordemocracy.org Government Transparency & Accountability - All government agencies, including Philadelphia's, should provide ‘online’ an ongoing, comprehensive, and detailed accounting of their "activities, expenditures, and outcomes", which constitutes a large DOGE of common sense! See - https://DOGE.gov Civil Rights & Meritocracy - The U.S. Constitution and case law protects citizens against discrimination based on race, sexual identity, or beliefs. In keeping with that protection, Republicans believe that programs such as DEI programs, are illegal to rewarding achievements, not distributing entitlements based on the aforementioned discrimination. Moreover, the GOP supports the legal rights of the LGBTQ+… as for every American citizen. However, those rights do not extend to the following: allowing people to change their birth certificate to match their sexual preference, biological males competing in female sports and/or for scholarships, (which Philadelphia allows), or biological males using female spaces, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and dorm rooms. Public Safety - Protecting the public is one of the most fundamental duties of government. However, Philadelphia city officials have weakened our local laws in violation of state and federal laws, particularly through their Sanctuary City policies, which has led to violent crime and illegal immigrants, as well as more drug addicts and their dealers, panhandlers, the mentally ill homeless, retail thieves, and common criminals. Our city needs to send a loud and clear message that they are going to protect the public. Regarding the mentally disabled and drug addicts, the police need to stop moving them along and instead get them off the streets and into the legal system - for their own protection and for the publics. Statewide, we need secure long-term or life-time mental health facilities, as well as long-term facilities drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities. For serious criminals, they need to receive meaningful prison time, to include effective rehabilitation and job training. https://www.SafeStreetsPhilly.org Effective Education & Skills Training - The GOP supports school choice. In addition, The Philadelphia School District should put online, for public review and comment, all of their courses, work papers, library books, etc.. The public needs to know why Philadelphia students aren’t doing well on test scores, and those tests should be put online as well. In addition, there should be a strong emphasis on “skills” training from basic skills to high technology, through an alliance with businesses and trade unions. There also should be physical fitness activity every day, as well as band and music for all students. Lastly, disruptive students should be put into special schools for their special needs. Public Health + The Environment - Nationwide, we need to remove the toxins from the environment, the marketplaces, and medications. In Philadelphia, the city needs to stop spraying pesticides in public spaces (The HOPS Act), ban the use of toxic turf, and inform parents that vaccinations are not required by the School District of Philadelphia. Taxes - Philadelphia is inundated by non-profits, some that are worth billions, but do not pay real estate taxes. That needs to be corrected. Real estate taxes should be standardized (based on the size of the land and buildings, not on market value), and minimized so that property owners don’t get priced out of their homes and businesses. Protect & Encourage Businesses & Jobs - Philadelphia needs to encourage and protect businesses and industry by cutting red tape and fees for start ups, cottage industries, at-home businesses, plus macro and micro-manufacturing, as well as offering rent-free opportunities, such as year-round Flea Markets, Craft Fairs, and Art Shows throughout the city. Infrastructure - We need to rebuild America's infrastructure and make it beautiful & functional, while preserving our precious heritage. Affordable Housing - Philadelphia has abundant historical houses that should be rehabilitated when possible, and not demolished only to make way for cheaply built “affordable homes”. Landlords & Tenants Rights - Both parties have a right to fair treatment. Landlords should have the right to set a reasonable deposit and monthly rate, while tenants should have the right to properly maintained rental property, per their rental agreement. No renter can remain in a rental unit if they owe more than 3 months rent. Neither party should be able to legally harass the other with government-paid attorneys. Nonbinding arbitration by a 3-judge panel could be a required first step for any litigation. L&I - There are too many dangerously dilapidated buildings in Philadelphia. Broken windows should not be allowed in unoccupied buildings, but they are, according to the regulations or policy. Also, if someone isn’t home L&I rips up the complaint and the complaint ent has to start all over again. Streets & Sanitation - Potholes and litter are an ongoing and serious problem in many parts of Philadelphia. There appears to be inadequate supervision in the Streets and Sanitation Departments. Regarding litter, the city needs to send all property owners a letter informing them of their rights and responsibilities to maintain and sweep their own sidewalk, and fine them when they don't. That said, street cleaning more frequently. Lastly, telephone lines and other cables should be buried throughout the city. Parking - Every
neighborhood needs more parking. Perhaps the city should look into
underground parking below some of the city's parks and public lands.
Limiting parking to 2 hours only in residential neighborhoods is unfair to
contractors, babysitters, and home health care workers who need to use a
car. |