Lynn's Spin On
2024 GOP Platform

 GOP Watchwords: Democracy, Meritocracy, Transparency, & Accountability = Liberty!

(Editor: The list below is a summary of the GOP Platform, plus some of my own suggestions. It's an ongoing work-in-progress.)

1.    Free Speech – Free speech is guaranteed through the enforcement of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, which is also supported by state Sunshine Acts.  We need either federal legislation or federal enforcement of current laws to protect citizens from being banned from various venues because of their stated opinions or beliefs.  These venues include anything open to the public, such as: social media, public events, stores, banks, schools, etc..  In addition, some government bodies, including Philadelphia, are restricting “public comments” to “agenda items only”, thereby censoring public comments at regularly scheduled meetings, among other 1st Amendment violations. See https://www.lynnlandes.com/SunshineAct.pdf

2.    Election IntegrityOur voting system continues to be nontransparent and vulnerable to widespread fraud from insider and hackers alike.  President Trump endorses a completely transparent standard to “hand case and hand counted paper ballots at the local polls on Election Day only, plus a photo voter identification card that includes proof of citizenship”. This is a standard that every State Legislature should support. An Annual Elections “Public Notice” letter should be mailed to all citizens announcing the offices up for election, the calender for election days and deadlines, how they can register to vote, become a candidate, or join the political party of their choice. Public participation is vital to build and strengthen our democracy.

3.    Government Transparency & Accountability – All government agencies (nationally, statewide, and locally) should provide ‘online’ an ongoing, comprehensive, and detailed accounting of their activities, expenditures, and outcomes, which constitutes a large DOGE of common sense!  See - https://DOGE.gov / Locally & statewide, we need Controllers who will do this job as well.

4.    Civil Rights & MeritocracyOur constitution and case law protects citizens against discrimination based on race, sexual identity, or beliefs. In keeping with that protection, Republicans believe in rewarding achievements, not distributing entitlements based on the aforementioned discriminatory traits. Moreover, the GOP supports the legal rights of the LGBTQ+… as for every American citizen. However, those rights do not extend to the following: allowing people to change their birth certificate to match their sexual preference, biological males competing in female sports and/or for scholarships,  or biological males using female spaces, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and dorms.

5.    National Security & Public SafetyProtecting the public is one of the most fundamental duties of government.  Nationally, we want secure borders, a strong military, our laws fully enforced, but not weaponized against people for their political beliefs. Too many state and city officials have weakened our local laws in violation of state and federal laws, which has led to more violent crime and illegal immigrants, as well as more drug addicts and their dealers, panhandlers, the mentally ill homeless, and thieves. Concerned citizens should request that their state Attorney General and US Attorney's offices sue states and city officials for full enforcement of the law.

6.    Protect America & Our Businesses  -  America needs to be as self-reliant as possible on both the local and national levels for reasons of national security and common sense. For without local self-reliance we lose the businesses, skills, and knowledge necessary to survive and thrive.  Big and small businesses alike need smart regulations, not mountains of red tape, plus protection from foreign competition through tariffs and embargoes, if necessary. All sources of energy should be ‘on the table’ for use. And we should keep Public Utilities government owned and out of foreign hands and private interests.


7.    Public Health + The Environment – Prevention, Quality, & Cost. As a nation, we need to eat healthy foods, exercise, and remove toxins from our environment and the marketplace.  Plus, the federal government must use real science to make dietary recommendations and approve medications. And no entity should be protected from liability by denying victims access to the courts.  It should be understood that our water is not (but should be) filtered for medications and drugs, and as a result the general public is being “medicated” inadvertently.  Lastly, as insurance has become unaffordable for many people and businesses, it is time to consider government-paid health care with a private option. We also need more secure long-term or life-time mental health facilities, as well as long-term drug-and-alcohol rehabilitation facilities.

8.   Education – The GOP supports returning federal funds to the states, school choice allowing funds to follow the students, and that no federal funds should be used for school districts that support CRT or DEI programs. However, the federal government could consider offering a FREE online and downloadable educational and testing materials for every grade level, including college, for any member of the public to access, and this information should also include technology training and the trades. School Districts should be required to put online for public review and comment all of their courses, work papers, library books, etc..  We need to know why our students aren’t doing better on test scores. There should also be a strong emphasis on “skills” training from low technology to high in coordination with the business community and skilled trades.

9.   The Economy & Taxes - We must lower our massive national debt at all deliberate speed, otherwise we will bankrupt the country. The Federal Reserve should be eliminated as it has privatized a government function under the US Constitution. Taxes should be lowered, overall, and the tax code should be simplified by eliminating most deductions, but retaining a progressive rate. All income should be considered the same. Interest rates on credit cards should be capped, at least at 10%. Many states and cities are inundated by non-profits who do not pay real estate taxes. That should be rescinded.  Real estate taxes should be minimal, so that people don’t get priced out of their homes, and taxes based on the size of the land and buildings, not on market value.

10.  Social Security - The GOP is dedicated to protect Social Security, but also to eliminate any waste, fraud, and abuse in the system.

11.  Infrastructure & Housing – We need to build an America that is beautiful, functional, and affordable, while preserving our precious heritage.  

12.  Abortion The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion is a states’ rights issue. That said, Democrats, Republicans and independents alike have varying views on this subject - https://www.statista.com/statistics/1079467/abortion-support-party-level-legalization-us